okapi grrrrrrrrl
It really fucking irks me when I start looking for some cute pictures of animals on the internet and all of a sudden I've developed zoological interest and I'm like: "Wow, opakis can lick their eyes and ears with their incredibly sticky tongues. That's fucking bonkers."
Shut up dude. Just post the baby animals and get on with your life.
I found this article pretty interesting and all around nuts. Please note the use of the term "Sawed-off semigiraffe"
Anyway. Step aside Bambi and also Bambi 2 (that bitch). Cuz here comes the real prince of the forest.
15 minutes. That's all it takes from the time their born to the time they can stand and run. That's rght vag to feet in 15 flat. Word up. This one kind of has a seductive daring look to him like "c'mon bitch, try me" He's talking to bambi by the way.
So it's actually more like vag to feet then to ass in 25 flat. Hey man you gots to tend to your underside.
Feel me?
The real point is as follows. Those stripey legs and kinda bow legged stance reminds me a lot of a riot grrrl and deep down I have a little thing for riot grrrlz. Well, not so deep down and not so llittle either.
His little hooves kinda look like big ol shit kickers and he's built like a little brick shit house. I'm puzzling myself here by comparing this little guy to an object of my desire.
Thanks Louis for the hypolink.