Whutup assholes! Now, according to our resident statistician and back-rubber (read pedophile) over here at
JALG, our readership has plummeted since our "summer break", which basically entailed a bout of real unadulterated laziness.
Regardless, what this means is that YOUR vote actually counts more now than ever. No, not you, dick. YOU, yeah you.
That being said, let's make some fucking brunch.
Our reigning champion (knees up splash), the Genet. He got by last time purely on those eyes. Sh-sh-shit,
them's some pretty eyes. But, now they're closed so his primary weapon is off the table. How you
gunna do it little guy without big '
ol dumbshit puppydog eyes to help you out? Huh?
Wussat? Oh, I gotcha. You're
gunna take the fuzzy little ball angle. Nice move.

Fucking crap, you stack 'em up on top of each other and they just get cuter than before. You can see the little burgeoning
ringtail in the background. Nicely set against the terrycloth. The one on the bottom is just so face down and his little ears are just all pink and whatever. The one on top is dreaming of slaughtering his first guinea hen. Go get 'em sport.
Ok, I got some tough Competition here for yous guys. It's Juicy Fruit Week here on
jalg so "Ugh, double up, Ugh Ugh." Someone is clearly waving a ..... they're waving around a ...... um, what the fuck do
meerkats eat. Grass? Dirt? Got me. Maybe grasshoppers.
Ooooohh, maybe roaches. Shit, remind me to pick up some

Anyway, someone is dangling a big juicy whatever over there to our right and those
meerkats want it. And I want the
meerkats. That's a serious grip you got on those
kats there bub, or lady or whatever.
bublady, I recognize that wedding band. You two timing animal double gripping. Nay, double double gripping fiend. You're fucking up gum week or whatever it's called.
We need your votes. Pick an animal and vote for it.