

Ok, so what happens when you mix a deer and a chick and make it into a baby? Good question. I can't answer you. But I an comment on the innanity of you line of reasoning you cock faced luck sipper. Frischlings. They're the wave of the motherfucking future and if you don't recognize, brace yourself for dyin' times biatch.Ok so momma fucking pork, is all: mooooove or go. And the little babies look like raindeer even though there's some dead squirrel in there and they are just tiny new fucking jersey deer. I hate new jersey so much. or as yv says:

but wait...is that a dead squirrel on the ground???!!!

That's a dirrect quote. You can't make shit like this up.

These frischlings are the new avante garde. Go get em piggles.

I love you


Blogger Butchie said...

I would eat every one of those succulent little bastards.

4:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I wonder if they taste as good as porkers wrapped in tiger skin

5:07 PM

Anonymous d3 items said...

Thank for sharing this with us. Hope to make friends with you and wish you a nice day.

9:49 PM


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